I split my time between design and nonprofits.

This page is dedicated to the intersection of the two.

Design for Good

In 2023, I was invited to help furnish and decorate a tiny home for a senior experiencing chronic homelessness. I’m so grateful to be invited back to outfit another tiny home in late 2024! These projects are a volunteer effort for me - I do not receive any compensation for this work. I couldn’t do this without the support of other community members! Below you will find more information about the upcoming tiny home, and how you can join me in giving back to the community.

Make an impact today

Join me in outfitting a tiny home for a senior experiencing chronic homelessness! Our move-in date is tentatively scheduled for November 1-2, 2024. An example of the previous tiny home project I helped with is on this page of my website.

Become a Sponsor

Want to highlight your company’s philanthropic efforts? Sponsorship opportunities are available, with your brand’s logo featured permanently on this page.