
I’ve been wanting to try a blog for a while, but I’ve had many hesitations . . .

  1. Do people still read blogs? Would I just be writing this for myself?

  2. I typically only read DIY and recipe blogs, and that doesn’t sound like something I’d like to do. Does it have to be a how-to guide?

  3. Will a blog help clients find me or do I have to stay on social media?

What regularly leads me back to the idea is: I absolutely hate Instagram. I delete it from my phone for months on end, only to add it back so I can share a design project. I do want to connect with people, but I don’t want to mindlessly scroll and consume information that’s not a benefit to me in any way. I feel like this sentiment is shared by many creatives these days. Of course, there are some positives, but my main complaints are that it fosters a culture of comparison, hyper-consumerism, rapid cycling trends, and homes that look exactly like one another. There’s also the issue of brands stealing images from creators and photoshopping their products into them, without permission. Don’t get me started on that one, I’ll take that rant and run with it for wayyyyy too long. Lastly, I think Instagram can create unrealistic expectations since most people are just showing the highlights of life. I don’t want to contribute to that.

For all its negatives, thus far, Instagram has been the only way (other than word-of-mouth) that clients have found me. Some of my favorite projects and people have made their way to me by stumbling upon my IG page. I feel like I still need some sort of a presence online if I want to continue working with clients, and I still want a way to connect with people online, but I’m ready for a change.

So here I am, taking the leap. I plan to keep my Instagram, but I will likely not use it much. I will probably just monitor messages using my desktop. And, perhaps, my existing posts will still find their way to new clients occasionally.

So what’s my vision for this blog? What can you expect here?

If you follow me on Instagram, I think this blog will look much like the content of my IG stories. Day-to-day sustainable living practices, behind-the-scenes during renovations, creative endeavors, design tips-and-tricks, and perhaps a little more detail on the “why” behind some of my design projects.

I don’t know yet how often I’ll post here, but don't worry, I won’t spam your inbox constantly if you subscribe to updates. And, if you know me already, you know I’m not here to sell you things.

I’m glad you’re here! I would love to engage with you here so please feel free to leave comments!


RV Renovation, Part 1